Here’s a Brief Breakdown Of The Chakras.

Inside the human body, we have 7 invisible energy wheels we call Chakras, most commonly known as the Chakra System.

Located along the spine and ending in the brain, from the perineum area to the top of the head.

Root Chakra – Located at the base of the spine.  Rules your basic needs like food, shelter, love, the things that make you feel secure at your most basic level.

Sacral Chakra – Located in your pelvis.  Rules your sexual needs and desires, fertility, and your little pleasures in life that bring balance and joy.

Plexus Chakra – Located across your chest. t Balances your confidence, self-esteem, and how you feel good in the world. When you feel like you’ve done an amazing job at something, you feel “puffed up” – that’s your solar plexus chakra humming for you.

Heart Chakra – This is located exactly where it sounds, to symbolize the blessings of new beginnings and love.

Throat Chakra – This chakra is located in your throat. It rules your speech, communication skills, deception, and your pathway to truth.

Third Eye Chakra – This chakra is located between your two eyes on your forehead. It rules what you can see into your future.

Crown Chakra – This chakra is located at the top of the head.  It is a pure energy that connects you to the Divine Source, whatever that source may be.

Each Chakra rules a certain part of our spiritual being. When Chakras are out of alignment, we can be pulled in several directions and feel off centre from our most natural state of wellbeing.

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